“The Mandalorian” is an immensely popular American space western television series that first premiered on the Disney+ streaming platform in 2019. Set in the expansive Star Wars universe, the show takes place after the fall of the Galactic Empire but before the rise of the First Order. It follows the adventures of a lone bounty hunter, known simply as the Mandalorian or Din Djarin, as he navigates the lawless and chaotic outer reaches of the galaxy.
The Mandalorian Season 4 Rumors: Boba Fett’s Return in the Works
According to a recent report from reliable source Making Star Wars, there are strong indications that Boba Fett, played by Temuera Morrison, will be making a comeback in the fourth season of “The Mandalorian.” Jason Ward, the Editor-in-Chief of Making Star Wars, confidently stated;
“So I think Boba Fett is in for [The Mandalorian Season 4]. And I don’t think there’s another [Star Wars] show [featuring Fett in the works], and nobody knows what the other [show] codenames that have been floating around are — specifically ‘Ghost Track 17.”
Jason Ward
It’s important to note that Lucasfilm, the production company behind “The Mandalorian,” has not made an official statement regarding this report.
This report comes after director Robert Rodriguez, who directed episodes for “The Book of Boba Fett,” refused to disclose any details about Lucasfilm’s plans for the character’s future, stating that he was bound by strict secrecy.
The Uncertainty Surrounding Boba Fett’s Star Wars Journey
In a recent interview, actor Temuera Morrison, who portrays Boba Fett, revealed that he initially anticipated reprising the role in “The Mandalorian” Season 3, but Lucasfilm did not extend an invitation for his return.
Morrison also commented on the inclusion of “The Mandalorian” characters Din Djarin (Pedro Pascal) and Grogu in “The Book of Boba Fett,” jokingly suggesting that they “stole a few chapters” from his character’s story.
Temuera Morrison seems to have another Star Wars project on his horizon. According to reliable sources, Morrison is reportedly set to portray the live-action version of Captain Rex from “Star Wars: The Clone Wars” in the upcoming Disney+ series, “Ahsoka.” This aligns with the franchise’s lore, as Captain Rex and Boba Fett share a similar appearance due to being clones of Jango Fett.
With limited information available, fans are left with uncertainty regarding Boba Fett’s upcoming journey, as Lucasfilm’s plans for the character’s future remain ambiguous.
Currently, “The Mandalorian” Seasons 1 to 3 are available for streaming on Disney+.