Disney Has Made Some Damn Fine Princes in Their Time
Source: BF
But it’s time we talk about the most underrated Disney prince of all time.
Presenting Dimitri From “Anastasia”
Sure he may not be as perfect-looking as some of those Disney fancy boys, but that’s all part of his appeal.
If you aren’t at least a little bit in love with him, you mustn’t have actually seen the movie.
Look at That Floppy Hair! Those Dreamy Eyes!
Source: BF
Let’s not forget that Dimitri is voiced by John Freakin’ Cusack. A good 90% of John Cusack’s appeal is his voice, and he injects 100% of that into Dimtiri.
John “Dimitri” Cusack, More Like!
Source: BF
He may start out as a (charming, adorable) con artist…
…but he ends up a (charming, adorable) hero.
Source: BF
Actually, come to think of it, he really STARTS out as a hero too.
He saves Anya and her grandmother as a kid with no thought for himself, so you know he is a good guy.
He Would Literally Die for Anya.
Source: BF
own desire and love for her aside so she can have what he thinks is her best chance at happiness.
This Scene is the Epitome of Love!
Source: BF
But of course he comes back for her when she needs him.
In fact, he’s always there for her.
Not to Mention The Way He Looks at Her is…. ? ? ?
Source: BF
The Romantic Tension Between Them is so Damn Good!
Source: BF
Even (Especially) When They Both Try to Deny and Ignore It!
Source: BF
But deep down inside, he’s a total mushy romantic!
Case in point,