In a recent episode of Kevin Hart’s show “Hart to Heart” on Peacock, Hollywood superstar Will Smith shared an intriguing behind-the-scenes story about how he landed the iconic role in the 1997 film “Men in Black.” Smith revealed the grand and persuasive pitch he received from none other than filmmaker Steven Spielberg.
How Did Steven Spielberg Convince Will Smith for ‘Men in Black’ Role
Will Smith shared an amusing anecdote about how Steven Spielberg persuaded him to join the cast of the movie “Men in Black.” Spielberg, who executive produced the film, arranged a unique meeting by sending a helicopter to pick up Smith and take him to his house. The convincing conversation took place surrounded by posters of Spielberg’s iconic films, leaving Smith with no choice but to accept the role.
Why Will Smith Was Hesitant To Join The Cast Of “Men in Black”
During the decision-making process for the movie “Men in Black,” Steven Spielberg directly confronted Will Smith, asking why he was hesitant to be a part of the movie. Smith confessed that he was hesitant because he didn’t want to become typecast as the “alien guy” after recently starring in “Independence Day.”
“I didn’t want to make two alien movies back-to-back. I didn’t want to go from Independence Day to Men in Black – I didn’t want to be the alien guy.”
Will Smith
In the end, things took a surprising turn, and Smith decided to take on the role of Jay in Men in Black, becoming a well-known character in the world of movies.