Source: NF
Hear us out. Stranger Things is a great show and we love it. The characters, the dynamics between the actors, the acting, the 80s era production design, the music, even that intro music (Oh! That Intro Music!), basically everything in the show is absolutely wonderful.
But there’s a limit to which one can see a single 11 year-old falling prey to demons from another dimension.
Granted, the show has captured the premise of the Upside-Down dwelling Demogorgon and the Shadow Monster across two seasons quite expertly, but the novelty of it has worn down, innit? Also, Eleven is now a total badass in her own right and that makes fighting the same enemy again and again quite boring.
Will Eleven And Hopper Suit Up Once Again?
Source: CD
So, it comes as a relief that series producer and director Shawn Levy has cleared the air about the upcoming season.
“We’re going to give Will a break”, Levy said in an interview. “We’re not going to put Will through hell for a third season in a row. He’ll be dealing with stuff, but he won’t be at rock bottom the way we forced the amazing Noah Schnapp to play.”
So, this means that although the Shadow Monster could be seen lurking in the Upside Down at the end of the second season, he will not be the chief antagonist this time ’round.
Will…Poor Will…Will At Last Breathe a Sigh of Relief (LOL!)
Source: CD
Instead, Levy says that there will be different evils that people have to deal with in the upcoming season. He quoted an example of the cloud/dust/particulate matter that left Will’s body after his mother subjected him to extreme heat (or almost burned him alive to a crisp, whatever). He said that behind-the-scenes, they used to refer to it as the “Particulate of evil”. Neat.
New Adventures Await the Gang!
Source: ND
The third season of the immensely popular show will not premiere till 2019, so there’s still plenty of time for the writers and directors to figure out what they want to do with the characters.
But one thing’s certain, it’ll be a helluva ride!
What are your views on the latest development regarding Stranger Things ?
Let us know in the comments below!