Fox’s popular reality competition show, “The Masked Singer,” is gearing up for its Season 10 premiere. Set to air on September 10th at 8 PM ET/5 PM PT, the show’s debut was moved up from its initial September 27th slot. Following the NFL Double Header, the competition series will take a two-week break and then resume its regular time slot of 8-9 PM ET/PT for the rest of the season.
With a history of strong viewership and consecutive top rankings as Fall’s #1 unscripted series, the anticipation for this season is at an all-time high.
Season 10 of ‘The Masked Singer’ to Bring Spectacular Unmasking and Celebrity Alumni Duets
As ‘The Masked Singer’ gears up for its Season 10 premiere, Fox promises an unmissable unmasking event in the opening episode. Former celebrity participants such as Michelle Williams, Rumer Willis, Joey Fatone, Bow Wow, Victor Oladipo, and Barry Zito will return, forming new duet partnerships for this special occasion. The upcoming season will showcase 16 celebrity singers in captivating costumes, including unique themes like “Donut,” “Anteater,” and “Hawk.” Themed episodes such as “Trolls Night” and “Harry Potter Night” will add to the excitement.
New Lineup: Nick Cannon and Celebrity Panelists Return for ‘The Masked Singer’ Season 10
Season 10 of ‘The Masked Singer’ will be hosted by Nick Cannon and features panelists Jenny McCarthy Wahlberg, Nicole Scherzinger, Ken Jeong, and Robin Thicke. The show, which originated from the South Korean format by Mun Hwa Broadcasting Corp, is produced by Fox Alternative Entertainment. The executive producers are James Breen, Craig Plestis, and Nick Cannon, with Breen also serving as the showrunner.