Disney Movies Can Leave Us With A Lot Of Questions.
These unanswered question can literally eat us alive from the inside out. Okay so maybe I am exaggerating a little bit. But come on! Did you never wonder what Scars name was before he got the scar?
Or maybe how Buzz Light-year always knew to act like a toy even though he believed he wasn’t a toy? Don’t these questions keep you awake at night? Because they sure do keep me awake.
However, rather than answering these important question (We don’t know their answer). We compiled more questions that made us ponder. Beware you might not get much sleep after reading the following questions.
#1 Why Did Buzz Light-year Freeze And Acted Like A Toy Even Though He Believed Otherwise?

#2 How Does Ariel Decide Which Sea Creatures Should Be Her Friends And Which Ones Should Be Her Underwear?

#3 Shouldn’t She Have Been Called ‘The Little Person’ When She Got Her Legs?

#4 Life Or Car Insurance For Lightning McQueen?

#5 Does Mike Wazowski Ever Blink?

#6 Did Nobody In The Kingdom Had Size 6 Feet?

#7 Shouldn’t The Seven Dwarfs Be Rich? Don’t They Mine Diamonds And Gems All Day?

#8 Why Do Cats Need So Much Money?

#9 How Did Pocahontas Know English Even Though She Had Never Met An English Person Before?

#10 What Was Scars name Before He Got His Scar?

#11 What Do You Think Your Daughter Would Be Like If You Name Her “Cruella de Vil”.

#12 How Are Goofy And Pluto Both Supposed To Be Dogs?

#13 Is Mickey A Germaphobe Or A Magician? Or Maybe A Mime?

#14 Is There An Esthetician In The jungle? No? Then How Does he Wax His Body?

#15 Why Does Aladdin Have No Nipples?

#16 What Is The Real Name Of Prince Charming From ‘Sleeping Beauty’?

#17 Where Is All The Real Cutlery In The Castle? Or Did They Not Eat Before?

#18 Why Did One Prince Need So Many Servants?