American Horror Story is a highly regarded anthology horror television series developed by Ryan Murphy and Brad Falchuk. Known for its unique blend of horror, suspense, and dark storytelling, each season of American Horror Story explores a different theme, setting, and time period, featuring a recurring talented cast. This anthology series first premiered on FX in 2011
Zachary Quinto, the original cast member of American Horror Story, is all set to make a comeback in the anticipated season 12.
Quinto previously portrayed the roles of Chad Warwick in Murder House and the haunting Dr. Oliver Thredson/Bloody Face in Asylum. After a brief absence from the series, Quinto made a memorable return as Sam in American Horror Story: NYC. In a recent interview, Quinto confirmed his involvement in the upcoming season “Delicate,” and expressed his excitement about his cameo appearance.
Zachary Quinto Impressed By Kim Kardashian’s Work On American Horror Story
Zachary Quinto shared his experience of meeting Kim Kardashian, who was announced to be part of the AHS cast for the upcoming season.
“I did a cameo on this season of American Horror Story and I got to meet her. She was so lovely and warm and, really, I don’t think she needs my advice. She seemed really in her element, and I was really impressed by her spirit and her openness. I really look forward to seeing this season because I think she’s gonna do a wonderful job.”
Zachary Quinto
American Horror Story Season 12: Cast Updates And An Intriguing Departure From Original Storytelling
With Emma Roberts and newcomers Matt Czuchry, Cara Delevingne, and MJ Rodriguez also joining the cast, American Horror Story: Delicate has the potential to maintain a dedicated fanbase and attract viewers.
American Horror Story season 12 takes a unique departure from its traditional storytelling by drawing inspiration from Danielle Valentine’s novel “Delicate Condition.” The upcoming season explores the experiences of an indie actor navigating in vitro fertilization and manipulation.
Fans are eagerly anticipating Quinto’s return. While the specific character Zachary Quinto will portray in the upcoming season is yet to be revealed, his casting hints at the possibility of his continued involvement.