Are You Ready For Some Nightmares?
Well, do i have the treat for you! I am sure everyone knows about Pokemon right now. (Who hasn’t bumped into a pole because of Pokemon Go?) Now you might have fond memories of Pokemon from your childhood.
David Szilagyi however, is here to turn them into nightmares. David was actually a concept artist for the video game industry. However, he quickly realized, that his heart lies elsewhere. Specifically, turning our beloved characters into nightmare fuel.
I love creating surreal nightmare fuel, and crafting worlds and stories based on them.
I was raised on Scary Stories to Tell In the Dark, Beksinski, H.R. Giger, Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness, H.P. Lovecraft, Guillermo Del Toro, Pokemon, Zelda, Final Fantasy, Dead Space, F.E.A.R., Slender, Silent Hill, Akira, The Guyver, among many other wonderful classics.
I love the worlds and lore that these experiences provide me, and I’m here to give that experience back to the world, one horrific image at a time.
#1 Just In Time For Halloween.

#2 Because Two Eyes Weren’t Enough.

#3 Dodrio As A Parasite To A Psyduck?

#4 Yup, That’ll Give You Nightmares.

#5 Does This Remind Anyone Of Five Nights At Freddy’s?

#6 Caves Might Be A Bit More Intimidating Now.

#7 I Don’t Know, They Still Look Kinda Cute.

#8 What Did He Do To Pikachu?

#9 Now That Is One Steed I’d Rather Not Ride.

#10 Loving The lips Though.

#11 We Shall Name This Nope Nope.

#12 The Eyes Are The Window To The Soul.

#13 Because One Mouth Isn’t Enough.

#14 Imagine That Swinging Down From A tree As You Walk By.

#15 Team Rocket Might Be A Little More Successful Now.

#16 As If Mimikyu Wasn’t Scary Enough.

#17 Well, He Seems Hungry.

#18 Still Looks The Same To Me, Other Than The Hanging Body Parts Behind Him.

#19 Here Lie The Broken Pokeballs And Probably Their Masters Remains.

#20 Having Nightmares Yet?