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Some Fans Are Afraid That They Might Not Get To Play Elder Scrolls 6 In Their Lifetime


Elder Scrolls is a gaming franchise that everyone with even a passing interest in video games is familiar with. After all, these are the games with which many of us grew up. While not everyone has played Daggerfall or the older games, most of us have played Morrowind, Oblivion, and who can forget Skyrim? However, Skyrim was released in 2011, and it has been a decade since there has been news of a new one.

It may not seem like it has been that long since we have had literally thousands of iterations of Skyrim, but Bethesda appears to be more concerned with how they can milk money out of fans even more with Skyrim rather than setting an official release date for Elder Scrolls 6. While it is true that open-world games take a long time to develop and Elder Scrolls 6 has a lot riding on it, it is equally unfortunate that some long-time fans may never get to play it.

Bethesda Softworks

The sad reality of Elder Scrolls 6 is that some fans will never be able to play it.

Many fans believe that the new game will be released in 2026, but this is not realistic. It may be released in 2028, but all of this is just speculation. We have no idea where this new game will take place. However, most people seem to believe that it will be in Hammerfall or High Rock, as it was in Daggerfall.


Although not all is lost, Elder Scrolls Online appears to be doing well, and some of their DLCs do show off some of these beloved continents in some capacity, so we have Elder Scrolls Online to tide us over until we get a new single-player experience.

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